Credit: Mark Gambino

Us And All of This

Performing Lines

Event details

Event dates

  • Sun 11 May

    2:00pm – 2:50pm

  • Sun 11 May

    4:00pm – 4:50pm

Buhk Park, Alexandra Drive, Alexandra Headland, Kabi Kabi Country

Ticket Prices


Us And All Of This is a mesmerising public space performance that invites up to 100 community members to move together in an act of radical slowness, offering a rare moment of calm reflection.

Created by Liesel Zink, with sound artist Lawrence English, the performance momentarily unfolds across urban public spaces – exploring assembly and collectively as an antidote to a capitalistic era of over-productivity, disembodiment, and dislocation.

Taking place at Buhk Park, Alex Headlands, this large-scale meditative piece challenges the rise of social isolation, bringing together a rich tapestry of people from varying backgrounds, cultures, ages and abilities to deliver a moment of togetherness via movement – celebrating the joy of creating something with others.

Us And All Of This rejects the positioning of humans as something separate to the environment, and challenges the fast-paced, isolated structure of society. Performers move with the landscape, acknowledging our place as one-part of a complex ecology in a ritual of coming together.

Let yourself slow down and soak up the gentle act of shared creation.

Interested in getting involved as a performer? Find out more here.

Us and All Of This performances are part of The Last Sunday event so pack your picnic blanket and head down for the day.

"... a shining example of what installation, dance, and sound work can be when allowed to exist at scale.”
- Stephanie Markwell, Nothing Ever Happens in Brisbane

Interested in getting involved as a performer? Find out more here.

Creative Team

  • Artist – Liesel Zink
  • Composer – Lawrence English
  • Producer – Jane Schon
  • Production Manager – Kat Harch


Us And All Of This is presented by Horizon, produced by Performing Lines, and supported by the Queensland Government, through Arts Queensland.

A Betty Amsden Participation Program, Us And All Of This is produced by Performing Lines, and commissioned by Arts Centre Melbourne through the generous support of the Betty Amsden endowment. It was developed and presented with support from the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its arts funding and advisory body, and the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland, as well as HOTA and the City of Melbourne.