Credit: Laura du Ve

Queer PowerPoint

Unfunded Empathy

Event details

Event dates

  • Sat 10 May

    7:00pm – 9:30pm

Solbar, Ocean Street, Maroochydore, Kabi Kabi Country

Ticket Prices

On Sale

From $35 + booking fee

Queer PowerPoint is a new experimental performance series, which invites queer artists from across the world to explore and share an idea, current obsession, or ongoing fascination using that most staid and ubiquitous of programming tools: PowerPoint.

Get ready for a night of corporate presentations and personal optimisation, where a bunch of queers deep-dive into highly niche content in a very gay way. It’s the funnest, cutest, cheekiest, and sexiest uni lecture you’ll ever go to.

Got an idea you'd like to share with the Sunshine Coast? Be part of the show: click here to submit an EOI by Wed 9 April.

Reclaiming and queering the corporate presentation from our straight capitalist overlords, creators Xanthe Dobbie and Harriet Gillies host this night of surprising stories, secret passions and starwipes.

Commissioning artists to create a new 10-minute performance lecture about absolutely anything, the only rules are they have to be queer af, and they have to use Microsoft PowerPoint.

Please note, this is a show for all regardless of sexual preferences.

“Queer PowerPoint is smart, raucous and hugely inventive. Who knew the exploding text transitions embedded in this dowdy graphic interface could be so profoundly and creatively employed?”
— The Conversation

Creative Team

  • Co-creators & Co-hosts – Harriet Gillies & Xanthe Dobbie
  • Co-creator & Creative Producer – Thom Smyth


Queer Powerpoint is presented by Horizon 2025 in partnership with Solbar.

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